Frozen fingers, noses and feet were the order of the day. Those B7's became a problem as the day progressed.
Sing For Pleasure in full voice.
Recorders. They cheated and brought along grand children for the cute factor.
We had to move the collection bucket so that cute grand children didn't hide it.
With a rolling program waiting groups enjoyed some banter whilst trying to stay warm. Can you believe that Catherine thought she could tune her guitar and it would stay there. Later on she was heard to mutter that her capo was frozen to the strings.
Guitar Group 2 at their first public event. Baptism of ice.
Folk Musicians. Some of these had already had or were about to do a session with another group. Talk about glutton for freezing.
Guitar Group-Don't Fret. Setting up. With all the padding to keep out the cold, putting the strap over heads proved harder than usual.
NO we haven't put on weight!
We lost Alan for a While. Richard thought he was hiding. I suspect he had shopping to do in a warm shop.....
Still we all had a good laugh and came back for a second session later in the day.
(8th December 2017)
Our annual invitation to all of the music groups within Lichfields U3A resulted in 4 groups joining us for the day. It was a good thing that we could share the day as temperatures below zero meant that enduring more than one session at a time of about 45 minutes was all that most could manage before seeking out warm drinks and a cafe to defrost in.
A few brave souls did do multiple sessions though I'm not sure how long it took them to feel normal once they got home.
As we did last year, we were raising funds for the St Gile's Hospice and as usual the public gave generously. Nearly £600 certainly gave us all a warm glow afterwards.
'Sing for Pleasure' opened the day, followed by the 'Recorder' group, 'Folk Musicians', Guitar group 2 [on their first public performance - what a day to choose] and Guitar group 1 [us].
It was a fantastic atmosphere all day that was reflected in the smiling faces within the area and everyone departing, singing what ever was being played as they passed.
Many thanks to M&S staff for putting up with us and special thanks to a kind lady who not only donated but brought us a bottle of Port and cups to say thanks for our efforts.
See you all December 2018